Application deadline date has been passed for this Job.
Invitation to Tender
  • Post Date: November 15, 2023
Job Description





NipeX Tender Ref. No. 1000006182

(1.0)       INTRODUCTION

Pan Ocean Oil Corporation Nigeria Limited, Operator of the OML 147 NNPC/PSC invites interested and reputable Nigerian registered insurance companies with relevant experience to tender for the technical bidding phase for the provision of Life and Non-Life for its OML 147 Operations in year 2024.

(2.0)       SCOPE OF WORK

The scope of work shall include but not limited to the provision of insurance cover on the following insurance programs:

(A)          Energy Package Insurance Policy (Property, Control of Well, Third-Party Liability) for its operations.

(B)          Physical loss or damage to JV assets, third-party liability risks and inland transit risks, fire & special peril (office equipment); burglary & Housebreaking; All Risk Policy; Commercial Own Goods; Commercial (Bus); Private Motor; Public Liability Policy, All Plant Risk and Group Life Assurance and Personal Accident etc.

Dollar Operational Insurance Policies

The Insurers shall retain a minimum of 70 percent of the risk in Nigeria and re-insure the excess capacity with leading Foreign Reinsurer (with A+ rating by S & P / A- rating by Moodys). The Insurer will liaise with the appointed international re-insurance broker to administer placement of the risk in the international insurance market. The insurer will also handle policy documentation, claims administration, renewals and endorsement etc.


Insurance Company seeking to be selected must satisfy the following conditions.

(1)          Be a Limited Liability Company registered in Nigeria and licensed by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) to transact General and/or Life Insurance.

(2)          Have a net asset of not less than N5billion as per its published accounts for its business.

(3)          Have acquired good experience in Oil and Gas insurance business.

(4)          Have adequate and qualified staff with experience in Oil and Gas insurance business.

(5)          Must be in good standing as regards prompt settlement of all discharged claims.

(6)          Have business relationship with competent Insurance Broker(s) with good reputation and experience in Oil and Gas Insurance business

(7)          Must be a good corporate citizen of Nigeria that pays its taxes as and when due.


(a)          To be eligible for this tender exercise, interested contractors are required to be pre-qualified as essential service vendor in (3.14.05, 3.14.07/ Life and Non-Life Insurance Services) in NipeX Joint Qualification System (NJQS) database. All successfully prequalified suppliers in this category will receive Invitation to Technical Tender (ITT).

(b)          To determine if you are pre-qualified and view the product services category you are listed for; open and access NJQS with your log in details, click on continue Joint Qualification Scheme tool, click check my supplier status and then click supplier product group.

(c)           If your company is not listed in the product/service category and you are registered with NUPRC (Fmr DPR) to do business, contact NipeX office at 27b Onyikan Abayomi Drive Ikoyi, Lagos with your DPR permit as evidence for verification and necessary update.

(d)          To initiate the NJQS pre-qualification process, access to download the application form, make necessary payments and contact NipeX office for further action.

(e)          To be eligible, all tenders must comply with the Nigerian Content requirements in the NipeX system.


COMPANY is committed to the development of the Nigerian oil and gas business in compliance with the Nigerian Content Act 2010 for Nigerian Content Development.

As from the commencement of this Act, the minimum Nigerian Content in any project, service or product specification to be executed in the Nigerian oil and gas industry shall be consistent with the level set in the Schedule of the Act and any other targets as may be directed by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (The Board)

Tenderer shall comply with all the provisions of the Nigerian Content Act that relate to this contract but in particular comply with the minimum Nigerian Content % for the scopes which are covered in the Schedule of the Act and any other requirement that may arise from time to time not explicitly stated in this contract, but which apply to the contract in fulfillment of the Nigerian Content Act, in the submission of their Tender.

Failure to fully comply with the Nigerian Content Act or demonstrate commitment to Nigerian Content Development Policy of the Nigerian government shall result to disqualification from bidding this contract.

Tenderers shall provide evidence of Registration by National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and Nigerian Insurance Association (NIA).

As part of their submissions, Tenderer shall:

Develop a Nigerian Content Execution Plan (NCP), which shall explain the methodology of how it intends to comply with the requirements of the Act and how to achieve the set target(s) in the schedule of Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act and any targets set by the Board.

Only Nigerian-registered company with greater than or equal to 51% Nigerian shareholding shall bid for this work scope. Submit certified copies of CAC forms 02 & 07 and or evidence of entity’s incorporation, shareholding and ownership structure in Nigeria.

In line with the NCD Human Capacity Development Initiative, Bidder shall commit to providing project- Specific training, man-hour, budget, skill development and understudy plan for Nigerian personnel utilizing OGTAN registered trainers(s) or other approved NCDMB training institutions.

Provide evidence (personnel list and positions with organization chart to substantiate) of percentage of management that are Nigerian Nationals and the percentage of the total workforce that are Nigerians.

Submit Tenderer’s corporate organization’s overall human resources structure (management, supervisors, senior & junior skilled officers etc.) identifying positions manned/occupied.

Tenderers shall provide evidence of registration by National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and Nigerian Insurance Association (NIA).

NOTE: Failure to comply with the provision of the Nigerian Content Act 2010 or to demonstrate commitment to the development of the Nigerian Content Policy shall result in disqualification from this bidding process.


This advertisement shall not entitle any company submitting documents to claim any indemnity form NNPC/Pan Ocean and/or any of its partners.

Tenderers are to provide current NAICOM registration certificate and approved financial report/statement

Bidding shall be acceptable and evaluated on individual as well as Consortium basis provided that Consortium shall:

•             Agree with the lead underwriter for the consortium

•             Have executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

•             Obtain NAICOM certification for the consortium

•             Obtain NAICOM certification for the consortium consolidated Financial Report/Statement.

•             Obtain NAICOM approval for reinsurance offshore on the basis that local capacity has been exhausted.

•             Provide acceptable reinsurance treaty from Reinsurance Companies with A rating.

(a)          Failure to provide any of the listed documents or information may automatically disqualify the Supplier.

(b)          This notice and the ensuing qualification process neither create any commitment by TUPNI nor establish any legal relationship with TUPNI.

(c)           All costs incurred in registering and prequalifying for this and other service categories in NJQS shall be borne solely by the Contractors/suppliers.

(d)          This advertisement shall neither be construed as an Invitation to Tender (ITT) nor a commitment on the part of NNPC/POOC to award a contract to any supplier and/or associated companies, subcontractors or agents.

(e)          The ITT and any further progression of this tender shall be via NipeX Interested bidders are therefore advised to ensure that their profiles in NipeX are active with a valid official email address accessible by their organization as this shall be the only means to transmit the ITT.

(f)           Tendering process will be the NNPC contracting process require qualified contractors be eligible to participate in placement of the risks.

(g)          Man-hour figures for Capital Project Portfolios are estimates to provide definition to the scope and do not constitute guaranteed quantities,

(h)          COMPANY will only recognize and correspond with duly authorized officers of the pre-qualified bidders and NOT through individuals or agents acting on their behalf.

(i)            Interested contractors should note that TUPNI has very cordial relationship with the host communities of the sites where these services will be performed based on existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Prospective contractors will be required to implement the obligations of the MOU as part of their contract.

(7)          CLOSING DATE

Only Tenderers who are registered with (3.14.05, 3.14.07/ Life and Non-Life Insurance Services) as at 22 November 2023 being the advert close date, shall be invited to submit Technical Bids.

Please visit NipeX portal at: for this advert and other information