Application deadline date has been passed for this Job.
  • Post Date: October 3, 2023
Job Description

mothers2mothers (m2m) is an African Primary Health Care organization that employs women living with HIV as community health workers across 10 African nations. These “Mentor Mothers” deliver integrated health services at clinics and in communities to ensure everyone, everywhere, has access to the services they need to be healthy and stay in care. Over the next five years, this proven, peer-led model is being scaled up to double down on ending HIV, as well as to tackle new health challenges and reach more people – all with the aim of building a fairer, healthier future. The employment of local women as community health workers means that we are delivering a model that prioritizes healthcare for families who need it most, delivered by women who know them best. Since its creation in 2001, m2m has created jobs for nearly 12,000 women living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa and, together, they have reached over 15M people with critical health services and education.

In 2021, m2m reached over 1.6M people across 10 African nations, including 402,616 adolescents (ages 10-19) – 51% more than the year before. m2m also advanced the Global Goals of ending HIV/AIDS by 2030 – by achieving virtual elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV among its enrolled clients for the eighth consecutive year, and meeting all of the ambitious UNAIDS Fast-Track Targets among its clients four years ahead of the 2026 target date.

Title: Request for Proposal to Provide Corporate Group Life Assurance and Group Personal Accident Services

Location: Abuja (FCT)

Objective of the Assignment

  • m2m Nigeria seeks to employ the services of an eligible and reputable Insurance company to submit proposals for Group Life Assurance and Group Personal Accident (GLA/GPA) Services to all staff members in Nigeria.


  • The main purpose of the service is to provide high quality, client focused and cost-effective GLA/GPA services to all m2m Nigeria employees. The organization is expected to act with high degree of integrity, responsibility and be knowledgeable as well as compliant with National Insurance Commission Act/Laws.
  • To provide corporate GLA/GPA services in the areas death, accident, temporary or permanent disability while in active service with m2m Nigeria.

Expected Deliverables
The expression of interest shall be sought appropriately from qualified firms to provide the under-listed services:

  • The Group Life Assurance Policy shall provide cover to insured against death, temporary and permanent disability.
  • The insurance cover shall be covered for a period of one year; subsequent renewal shall be subject to performance.
  • The premium payable on the GLA/GPA Policy shall be pro-rated as applicable when an employee joins the organization.
  • When an employee leaves the service of the employer before the 12 months’ expiration period, the insurance company shall refund or set aside to the credit of the employer the premium relating to the unexpired period.
  • The insurance cover shall be mandatory to all employees as long as they are in active/full term employment.
  • The insurance company shall ensure that the employer complies with the minimum insurance cover of three times of the annual total emolument for each employee.
  • Annual Total Emolument (ATE) for the purpose of the Group Life Assurance Policy under PRA 2014 shall be the gross emolument of the employee.

Quote Validity

  • Vendor proposals shall remain valid for one year from the deadline for receipt of quotations. Additionally, for the successful bidder(s), the bids/quotes submitted shall also remain valid and not subject to review for a one-year period from the date of contract signing by the selected Insurance Company.

Duration of Contract

  • The Contract period shall be from November 2023 to September 2024 subject to good performance in the first year of engagement.

Pre-Qualification Criteria

  • Your Company must be registered in compliance with the Company and Allied Matter Act of 1990 as a Limited Liability Company and accredited by the National Insurance Commission of Nigeria (NAICOM) with the requisite experience and records of accomplishment for provision of GLA/GPA services. The documents below must be submitted with the expression of interest.

Administrative Eligibility Criteria:

  • Evidence of company’s incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)/Form 07 Evidence of three years (2013-2015 or 2020-2022) Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Evidence of a Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Evidence of corporate office address, phone numbers, email address.
  • Evidence of financial capability and banker’s Reference letter.
  • Reference Company, Description of Type of Work Performed for Reference Company, Name of Contact Person at Reference Company, Telephone # / Email.
  • In addition, provide documents certifying relationship with vendors in the below categories in our states of operation.

Financial Bid/Price Quotes:

  • All bidders are expected to submit all their GLA Plans for death in service, temporary or permanent disability in a Tabular format using Spreadsheets with the detailed services available with the unit cost per staff.

Application Closing Date
13th October, 2023 by 5:00 PM.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified bidders should send their Applications to:

Important Information and Notice

  • This request for proposals solicitation will be advertised in numerous print and electronic media and hence, will be very competitive.
  • The successful bidder(s) shall be notified in writing and will be invited for a presentation and the selected company shall sign a contract with m2m Nigeria.
  • m2m Nigeria is neither committed nor obliged to include any company and/or associated companies, agents, or contractor on any bid list.
  • Be aware that this invitation to express interest does not guarantee that you will be requested to submit all other subsequent offers to m2m Nigeria; it does not constitute any form of agreement or contract between our organizations.
  • m2m Nigeria shall not be responsible for any cost incurred in responding to this invitation.
  • This request for expression of interest shall not be construed as a commitment by m2m Nigeria, nor shall it entitle respondents to claim any indemnity from m2m Nigeria by virtue of having responded to this advertisement.
  • This invitation is for you to express your interest in the provision of Group Life Assurance and Group personal Accident services and does not warrant further feedback from m2m Nigeria hereafter.
  • On the account that bid documents are submitted in any location other than, the email address given makes the submission invalid.
  • Multiple bidding will not be acceptable.
  • Only the financial bids of shortlisted firms that meet the technical evaluation criteria in accordance with m2m Nigeria pre-qualification procedure will be contacted.
  • m2m shall conduct a due diligence process at business premises of successful vendor before final award is given.